Do you believe that hard work is the only way to get results in life?
I used to.
I had this dream that I could work just a few hours a day doing work I enjoyed, from a little caravan by the beach.
But after years of working hard and trying LOTS of different things, I discovered something really, really scary.
And after talking about this with friends, family, coworkers and clients I found that EVERYONE kind of has the same problem.
Maybe your dream is a cabin in the woods, or a penthouse by the park, or a mansion next to the golf course, but if you are tired of the “work hard and keep trying” life, then what I have to share with you below might just be the best news you will read in a long time.
In their 1997 bestselling book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Kiyosaki and Lechter explain that to get ahead you need a business you can grow - something that will make money while you sleep.
But, TBH, that part is easy.
You might not know this, but we are living in the golden age of starting and growing your own highly profitable business (from home, in your pyjamas). It has never been easier or cheaper or faster to do.
Even if it's just a side hustle while you do your regular job there has never been a better time to build your own 24 hour money machine.
I know this because I write a kind of popular little newsletter called The Luck Report - The science and art of being lucky in business (and life) every day - where I research and report on the best ways to build and grow a business just by doing one little thing to get a little bit better, every day.
Not my idea, I basically stole it from the British Cycling Team who went from never winning anything to being the best ever, just by focusing on getting a little better at one little thing, every day.
The "secret" is that none of us like big changes. But when we make lots of small changes, the cumulative effect is incredible.
You can subscribe here at the bottom of this page. Then every day you get one simple little thing to do to grow your business. It's good (and it's also 100% free).
Something big, and to be honest it's pretty scary.
Before you even think about starting a side hustle or trying to grow your business you are going to need to find a way to stop sabotaging EVERYTHING with messed up inner beliefs about money and work and success (that you probably got from your well meaning mother and father).
I'm not kidding.
You see, I’m fascinated by how to make a business more efficient. I LOVE systems and business-in-a-box stuff and, like I said before, I write this kind of popular little daily newsletter all about helping you grow your business smarter not harder.
But, after years of doing all of this myself, I realized that this isn't enough.
No matter how good any information or system is, there is something else holding us all back.
Buffy called it The Big Bad.
Apologies if that sounds ugly, but it's the truth.
Everyone thinks the answer is more information and smarter systems and better habits - and yes they can all be incredibly powerful when used correctly - but The Big Bad is what REALLY stops us from getting results.
Think about it.
How many times have you bought something and tried your best, but it just doesn't work out for you - while other people are doing it successfully?
How many times have you been sure that the thing you found was the perfect next step for you, but then a month later it is sitting unopened in your garage?
That used to happen to me.
But I have something pretty cool to show you now, if you want.
You see I found a simple, fast, incredibly easy, zero cost way to turn The Big Bad into The Good Life.
And all you need to put it to work for you now is 10 special words.
What I AM saying is that once you start doing this ridiculously simple little thing (takes about 12 seconds to do) things start to change, serendipity happens, opportunities come up, you get the lucky break you have been looking for, and things just start to go your way.
You still have to get out of bed and talk and think and work and love and fail and breathe in and out. But it's like you get the green light in everything you do.
Can't explain why, except I know it works.
I've been doing it for years now and it just freakin' works, in business AND in life!
It’s only “job” is to give you the step by step instructions you need to start attracting luck - in all areas of your business and life - FAST. No fluff, no filler.
At just 165 pages, you can read and “get” it all in less than a few hours.
But the biggest and best thing I can say about it is, that it flat out just works.
And I want to give you right now - 100% free - as a special gift just for trying my little daily newsletter (also 100% free).
Because I believe that growing your own business is the greatest thing you can do for yourself and your family.
And in the current economic climate more and more families are searching for a way to work smarter, not harder.
I'm kind of old school and I believe that families and local businesses are the building blocks of a good society.
I also know that the best way I can show you I can help you, is by actually helping you.
And what you will discover in this little book will literally change your life.
It will only take you a short time to read the whole thing, and is written in a simple, folksy kind of way.
It tells the story of how I stumbled onto a revolutionary way of attracting good luck in business (and life) 100% free - just by using 10 simple words that I found in the back of an old journal written by an amazing behavioral psychologist from over one hundred years ago.
All backed up by cutting edge psychology and a proven formula used successfully by anyone who tried it over the past hundred years
If you would like to know more you can read all about when you subscribe to The Luck Report - 100% free.
(Hey don't forget to put an image of you or the product in that spot on the left.)
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You'll get a crystal clear understanding of this on page 54.
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Ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor magna.(See page 13)
Euismod "lacinia at quis" risus sed vulputate odioIn egestas erat imperdiet sed euismod nisi revealed on page 17.
Sed vulputate odio ut enim blandit volutpat.A iaculis at erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo.(Starting on page 19.)
Vulputate odio ut enim blandit volutpat maecenas volutpat blandit. Pulvinar etiam non quam lacus. Porttitor lacus luctus accumsan tortor revealed on page 53.
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Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur on page 40.
How billion dollar CEOs, politicians, and even cult leaders sed risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse.
The fastest way to Massa sapien faucibus et molestie ac feugiat sed lectus vestibulum (Page 50.)
The REAL way to Sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla facilisi..
Forget what the "experts" say... Arcu risus quis varius quam quisque id. Faucibus purus in massa tempor nec feugiat nisl pretium fusce. Odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae. Lectus arcu bibendum at varius vel pharetra vel turpis nunc.
(Without having to wait for the mail to arrive).
Or you can tell them you have fast shipping.
We're basically leading up to the next part which is ...
The copy below is just a placeholder.
Restate why they need to order right away.
Short sentences.
Then we'll add in ...
Just a few short sentences.
Me too. I think life is too short to waste on BS that doesn't work. But changing your beliefs isn't "woo-woo". It's one of the smartest, fastest EASIEST ways to improve your business (and your life) that I know.
How will I receive The Lucky Secret book?
It will be sent to you in an email immediately upon clicking the subscribe button below. You can read it online or download it immediately and read on your tablet, phone, laptop or computer.
Does it cost anything?
ZERO cost. I’m doing it to ETHICALLY BRIBE you into trying my (also 100% free) daily newsletter where I research and write about ways to get lucky in business and life. Hopefully you will like that and stick around. Over time I may recommend tools and things I use that I think will help, and sometimes I may get payment for doing that.
Can I easily unsubscribe?
Yes, you can easily unsubscribe anytime from The Luck Report and still keep your copy of The Lucky Secret book.
Who is this for?
Anyone who wants to start or grow a business (and anyone who wants to turn The Big Bad into The Good Life).
Will this teach about manifesting or visualization or any of the LOA stuff?
No. I have read just about every book and course ever written on that stuff and - I cover this in more depth inside this book - most people (including me) fail miserably at that stuff because it is incredibly hard to switch your thoughts from what you have, to what you want using the usual visualization/manifesting/LOA stuff. This little book gives you a ridiculously easy, zero-cost way you can turn The Big Bad into The Good Life in a way that works, seriously. It's like the first time you get given that hot towel to put on your face and neck when you are at the barber - it feels that good.